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About US

We moved to our current location in 2003 in the hopes of renovating our circa 1751 home and barn to care for our horses exactly as we felt they deserved. We have been handling horses for over 30 years and continue to ride and show at The Delaware Valley Horseman's Association and other local events. We firmly believe in rescue and rehabilitation with an emphasis on consistent ground manners and natural horsemanship. We receive many compliments on how well behaved the horses in our care are for daily handling (with the exception of our miniature horse, he's a bit full of himself!!). Four of our horses were purchased either at auction, or through hardship circumstances, and have gone forward to be Year End Winners at DVHA and The Meadow Shows.

We enjoy our Home, Our horses, Our Barn Friends and continue to make improvements as well as expand our skills. Quality and Caring is our mission.

Candy n flower farm horse boarding Copyright ©2008   

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